ABI Showcase: Apolline
is a visual artist who graduated from the University of Cambridge where she was majoring in History of Arts. She did an internship in Berlin with artist duo, Jeschkelanger in Summer 2020.
Apolline's works mostly from photographs, re-calibrating them through collage and animating the images through paint, pastel or ink. By synthesizing vivid and neutral colors through kinetic gestures, she seeks to evoke powerful emotions.
Ordre Et Dèsordre (2018)
Between the Fragile White Pines (2018)
Bloody Hell Alan, Stop Fishing for Compliments
See more of Apolline's work at https://www.apollinebokkerink.com/
ArtBound Initiative is a global internship program in the creative industry. We offer internships in art, architecture, design, film, tv, theater, fashion, communication, marketing and more. We offer internships abroad in 4 locations: New York, London, Berlin and Hong Kong. Read more about our internship program at www.artboundinitiative.com.