ABI Profile: Adriana
is a mixed media artist from Poland who is based in London and is studying her BA in Visual Arts from UAL: Chelsea College of Art + Design. She recently finished her summer internship in Berlin at Alisa Margolis & Jeremiah Day Studios.

"My internship was with Alisa Margolis (painter) and Jeremiah Day (performance artist) in their studios. My main tasks and responsibilities for Alisa were art supply shopping, research, stretching and priming her canvases and getting her portfolio together. But there were times where I got involved in her practice by drawing onto canvases so she could use the drawings as a starting point for her paintings."

"For Jeremiah my main tasks were writing transcripts for his performance videos, a bit of photo editing, we worked together on film photography and general assistance in the studio or running errands e.g. printings his photographs off and dropping film to get it developed."

"I have learned a lot of practical skills that I will definitely use in my own practice. Working with two different artists has given me a lot of ideas for my own work and I know I now have support and mentors back in Berlin that I can contact any time."

"In general, the ABI crew is really helpful and supportive. If you mention any problems you may have or any questions they are always ready to help."

ABI Members Rose, Harriet, Ena & Adriana
See some of Adriana's work at https://adrianamarzec.myportfolio.com

Read more about ArtBound Initiative's Berlin internships here.
ArtBound Initiative is a global internship program in the creative industry. We offer internships in art, architecture, design, film, tv, theater, fashion, communication, marketing and more. We offer internships abroad in 4 locations: New York, London, Berlin and Hong Kong. Read more about our internship program at www.artboundinitiative.com.