Meet the Team: Jana
is the ABI Program Coordinator in Berlin.
"In my role, I meet with students right after their arrival and provide them with information, which helps them to orientate themselves in Berlin. I support them by being there for them, listening to their concerns, understanding their position, solving any problems that arise, and motivating them to continue on when things get challenging."
"I joined the ArtBound Initiative team because I liked the whole concept of helping young people go abroad. ABI creates a professional and international network which helps students to travel and work, find mentors, and develop themselves and their careers in the creative industry."
"The best stories are when the students felt excited and motivated by their mentors and are inspired for their future work. When they get a job offer or opportunity to exhibit their work, they are happy and I feel the program completely paid off."
"I hope that ArtBound grows in contacts, locations, and number of students. Working for ArtBound was full of new experiences, challenges and happy moments. Working with the students and seeing Berlin through their eyes is a lot of fun!"