ABI Profile: Elena
is currently studying at the Art Academy of Cincinatti.
She interned in New York City this summer with artists Ford Crull and Jeffery Bishop.

"The internship was eye-opening because I gained a greater understanding of what the inner workings of the creative industry is like, and I met a lot of people."

Work by Jeffrey Bishop, "UNTITLED", 2018
"I've been given opportunities that allowed me to connect and build relationships with people who are working within the creative industry, which gives me access to opportunities I may not have had otherwise."

Work by Ford Crull, "I am Nothing", 2014
"ArtBound Initiative really helped me get my portfolio put together during the interview process and helped me in getting settled in the city. When I arrived in New York I was connected with a network of people and we went to events and experienced the city we were in together."

ABI tours the MET Museum
Check out Elena's work at www.elenakayherren.com.
Read more about our New York internships at www.artboundinitiative.com.